Dear restaurant community,  

We’re all aware the restaurant industry is suffering due to COVID - revenues are down 35%, and with new surges in cases across the U.S., we’re seeing our community have to make tough decisions on how they staff, how they safely engage guests, and whether or not they close their doors altogether. 

Previous government funding isn't enough to help restaurants weather this storm for the foreseeable future. That’s why we’ve been working closely with the Independent Restaurant Coalition and Congressional leaders to pass another round of restaurant relief funding. 

The good news is there is a bill gaining momentum, the RESTAURANTS Act, to establish a $120B Independent Restaurant Revitalization Fund for you, your team, and the 11M people across the country employed by independent restaurants. Currently, Congress is negotiating the next and potentially final stimulus bill of 2020. We are asking Congressional leaders to pass the RESTAURANT Act as part of the next stimulus, but time is running out; key portions of the next stimulus bill could be finalized in the next several days.

We encourage you to take these three actions to help spread the word: 

We hope you will consider taking these actions to support our community. 


Chris Comparato