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What is Tempura?

Learn how tempura is often served as a main dish or as a side dish and can be found in many Japanese restaurants and other establishments that serve Asian cuisine.

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What is tempura?

Tempura is a Japanese dish made of battered and deep-fried seafood or vegetables. The word "tempura" comes from the Portuguese word "tempero," which means "seasoning." It is a popular dish in Japan, and it is also widely enjoyed in other parts of the world. It is often served as a main dish or as a side dish, and it can be found in many Japanese restaurants and other establishments that serve Asian cuisine.

What does tempura taste like?

The taste of tempura will depend on the specific ingredients used. In general, tempura has a light, crispy texture and a delicate, slightly savory flavor. The taste of tempura is largely due to the batter, which is made of flour, egg, and cold water. The batter is light and slightly sweet, and it helps to give tempura its signature crispy texture.

What is the history/origin of tempura?

Tempura originated in Japan in the 16th century, when Portuguese traders introduced the technique of frying food in a light, crisp batter to the country. The word "tempura" comes from the Portuguese word "tempero," which means "seasoning." This method of cooking quickly became popular in Japan, and tempura became a widely enjoyed dish.

How is tempura served? 

Tempura is typically served with a dipping sauce, such as a mixture of soy sauce and dashi (a type of Japanese broth), and it may be garnished with grated daikon radish or green onions. When serving tempura, the fried ingredients are typically arranged on a platter or individual plates. It’s often served as part of a larger meal, such as a bento box or a multi-course Japanese meal known as kaiseki. It may also be served as an appetizer or as a snack, and it is often accompanied by other dishes or condiments, such as pickled vegetables or miso soup.

How do you make tempura? 

Here's how to make tempura:

  • Rinse and pat dry the seafood or vegetables that you will be using for the tempura.
  • In a bowl, whisk together the flour, egg, and cold water until the mixture is smooth and well combined. The batter should be thin and slightly runny.
  • Heat the oil: Heat a deep fryer or a large, heavy pot filled with oil over medium-high heat. 
  • Dip the seafood or vegetables into the tempura batter, making sure to coat them evenly. Gently shake off any excess batter.
  • Carefully place the coated seafood or vegetables into the hot oil, being careful not to overcrowd the pot. Fry the tempura for 1-2 minutes, or until it is golden brown and crispy. Use a slotted spoon or tongs to remove the tempura from the oil and transfer it to a plate lined with paper towels to drain any excess oil.
  • Serve with a dipping sauce, such as a mixture of soy sauce and dashi. Garnish with grated daikon radish or green onions, if desired.

Tempura is best served hot and crispy, so be sure to serve it as soon as it is ready. You can also keep the tempura warm in the oven set to low heat until you are ready to serve it.

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