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How to Get Company Buy-in On a Restaurant IT Project

Welcome to the future of your restaurant business.

See What’s Inside

You're a trailblazer ready for change. But are you the only one?

Innovative technology has a growing role in modern restaurants. All types of businesses, from worldwide enterprises and small-town favorites, have embraced it.

You know the importance of these new solutions, but skeptical co-workers and the red tape of company processes are holding your efforts back. How can you fix this?

In this eBook, we'll help you identify the individuals you should appeal to, how to approach them with the idea of change, and a timeline for success.

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Set the plan in motion to go from bold idea to legendary performance.

  • Identify the right influencers in the organization and learn about their challenges.

  • Understand the process of group decision making and the bumps you'll face.

  • Ask the right questions about your company, the market, and your provider.

  • Develop a realistic timeline and set expectations from inception to rollout.

  • Align your executives, your franchisees, and your staff as the new platform is adopted.